Saturday, August 15, 2009

Independence Day Celebrated!!!

Gone are the days when Independence Day was celebrated by hoisting the flag and distributing sweets with rendering of patriotic songs. TV programmes have taken over and Independence Day is more considered as a day off from regular work or an opportunity to earn more through overtime wages.

The last time I really witnessed flag hoisting live was during my last year in school. As any other day, we used to assemble at school dressed in our ironed uniforms to salute the flag and sing the National Anthem. Patriotic songs, mass drill and March past used to be part of the honour. Sweet distribution would follow after which we would disburse to allow the TV programmes to take over for the rest of the day.

This year Independence day falling on a Saturday, it’s a holiday here. On the previous eve, there was a dinner get together organized by the employees of a corporate company on the pretext of the occasion. The dress code was decided as ‘Kurta and Jeans’ to depict Indian culture and there was almost 70% compliance. The other 30% constituted more of other nationals. ‘Bindhis’ were distributed at the venue (But I already had one on my forehead!!!). Inspite of all these, to me, it looked like just another dinner with music on a Friday night with no relevance to the spirit of the occasion. There were spot prizes, music and dance, dinner and desert which made the occasion look more westernised.

But amidst all this pub culture, there was a little ‘Indianism’ evidently shown when all the Indians stood in attention when the national anthem was played at midnight sharp. At the same time, the Indian flag was put up from somewhere. I gave a proud grin, when the other nationals seated at the adjoining table stood up saluting the Indian flag along with us. I sang the National Anthem with all my heart and a light sense of satisfaction flashed over.


Chiju said...

Very well written!
That last paragraph really gave me the feeling of Independence day!

The Maverick Blog said...

Jai Hind! :)

Manoj said...

nice one swathi!