Thursday, July 18, 2013

Give Way!!!!

Pretty long time, since I even visited my blog. My 2 year old is keeping me busy for the little time I spend at home.  Glad to write (or shall I say scribble) something again. What got me here to write is a couple of taxi drivers. I don’t know why, but it just got to my head that I have to write this. This post may seem to be like one boring lecture. Forgive and forget please.

Recently, I had many a chance to use a taxi to reach office. It was one such sunny morning, after a great effort, I found one taxi driver, who was ready to drop me at office for a little more than the normal fare. It was when I got to the back seat that I realized how untidy and unclean the car was. The A/C wasn’t working either, considering the 48’C temperature. To top it all the radio was singing loud a song in a language I don’t understand.  When I got settled there, he asked me directions. Once answered, the volume of the car radio was raised higher.

This was one of the incidents that made me think about how much concern one has for his fellow beings. Yes, we do come across such incidents every day. 

Two days later, I had to take a taxi again. This time, when I got in I got a feeling the driver was a friendly kind, for he talked a few words. But then, in few minutes, he switched on the radio. And I had to bear with it for the next half an hour.

Earlier I have seen this happen in my pick up bus, people getting in to the bus play loud music on their mobile phones. It never annoyed me (though I felt bad for it), probably because it was my kind of songs. 
Frankly, it’s not a great thing to be arguing about. It’s the driver’s car, his radio and he has all the right in the world to turn it on loud. Probably he would have switched it off if I had asked him to do so. Coming to the point, in this mechanical world, do we really consider doing things without hurting/annoying others? Leave alone helping!!!

As I thought along, am putting up a list of small acts to show human consideration at times.

  1. When travelling using public/common transport, use head phones to listen to your favourite music
  2. When searching for stuff at the super market, put your trolley aside, not to block other people from looking out for their stuff.
  3. When you get your chance after waiting in a queue (at an ATM or a ticket counter or elsewhere), try to make it quick. There are other people waiting. (Of course you got to finish your job, but avoid spending unnecessary time.)
  4. When you are on the lookout for vacant parking space, make sure your hunt does not lead to traffic jam behind. May be someone is in a hurry.
  5. When boarding a train/bus/flight, try to settle on your seats as soon as possible. There might be an elderly/sick passenger waiting behind.
  6. When you do not get a table at a restaurant, wait patiently. It’s annoying if you signal to other diners to quit. 
  7. Finally, wipe off the toilet seat after using the toilet at your work place/any public place.

Additions to the list are welcome.

Having said all this, no one is perfect. This post is not about self sacrifice. It’s about giving way to others with a little human consideration.  

1 comment:

$ph!nX said...

Totally agree with you and might I add that etiquette/manners are fast disappearing in this world. Manners and simple courtesies (that I feel one should know by default) are fast disappearing.

I think it mostly stems from the fact that almost everyone's mentality is shifting towards a self-centered approach with nary a thought given to the rest. You would be surprised how many times you see someone behaving in a way opposite to what you would consider good manners(bad parenting, worse company ?)

C'est la vie (at the moment)